Letter of Commendation to STAR, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
President’s Volunteer Service Award
Certificate of Commendation to STAR Education by Governor Gray Davis
Certificate of Commendation to STAR Education from Culver City USD, La Ballona Elementary
Los Angeles County Recognition of Service by Yvonne B. Burke
“Best Educational Day Camp” by Family Choice, Family Magazine
“Best Teaching Zoo/Animal Rescue” awarded to STAR Eco Station, LA Parent Magazine
“Best Place to See Animals” awarded to STAR Eco Station, LA Family Magazine
World Trust Foundation’s Environmental Education Outreach Award, Earth Day
Médaille d’Excellencefrom Fête D’Excellence in collaboration with the United Nations, awarded to STAR Eco Station founders, for their role in Youth Environmental Education, Geneva, Switzerland
California Assembly Resolution to STAR Eco Station by Herb Wesson
California Assembly Certificate of Recognition to Katya Bozzi by Herb Wesson
City of Culver City Proclamation to STAR Eco Station by Mayor Ed Wolkowitz
Certificate of Recognition to STAR Eco Station from the County of Los Angeles
Certificate of Commendation in recognition of STAR by Mayor Richard Riordan
STAR selected as a “Model Program” by the White House & U.S. Dept of Education
Largest provider of Gifted And Talented Education programs (G.A.T.E.) in California
STAR selected statewide provider for No Child Left Behind by the California Dept. of Education
STAR Eco Station is designated an Official Wildlife Rescue Center by the US Fish & Wildlife Service
Hosted Paw Project, founded and Director by veterinary surgeon Dr. Jennifer Conrad, to increase public awareness of the painful and crippling effects on feline declawing, to abolish the practice of declaw surgery, and to rehabilitate big cats that have been declawed.
Founder Erick Bozzi selected as an official representative of the World-Wide Baykeeper Alliance.
Received commendation from the President of Columbia for environmental education in the Amazon jungle in collaboration with the CDA.
Working partnership with CDA to conduct environmental education project in schools directed toward conservation of the Amazonian ecosystem.
Signed a memorandum of understanding with Conservation International, Colombia to operate two biological research and education centers in the Amazonian Rainforest (funded by CI).
Signed a memorandum of understanding with Corporation ECO Habitat to collaborate in an environmental conservation program in Cartagena Bay, Colombia to recuperate aquatic ecosystems that are severely compromised by existing industrial and domestic pollution (funded by Water Keeper Alliance).
2010 - present
2010 - present